Finding Our Rhythms:

Leveraging flow, habits, and grace to ease the pace of our lives

—a 3-month series of virtual writing circles—

 Calling all who are feeling overwhelmed and inadequate! (It’s not you!)

  • Are you buried under tasks, projects, housework, and goals?

  • Are you running hard all the time and still feeling behind?

  • Do you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about all the things?

    What if there was another way?

    What if you could have more space and ease, and feel less pressure and chaos?


Are you ready to find your own rhythms?

Finding Our Rhythms is a series of 3 virtual writing circles where you’ll practice trusting your own ebb and flow, leaning into cycles and habits instead of muscling through, and giving yourself the same compassion you offer everyone else — all in a community of courageous hearts reaching for the same thing.

 In these circles, you will experience:

  • Listening deeply to other voices and to your own

  • Speaking your truth (only as much as you want to share)

  • Resonance

  • Being seen and heard and held

  • A trusted space of depth and connection with kindred spirits

  • Respite


Photo credit:


About me

 As a coach and as your witness, I am here to hold space for you in the deep. As a facilitator and a certified leader of writing circles, I know that virtual spaces can still be meaningful and deeply connected, and I’m devoted to creating them. As a circle-holder and circle participant for many years, I treasure that being in these healing spaces can nourish and transform. Circles are magic and medicine!

 What others have experienced in the circle…

“The circles served as a place of healing for me, a tremendous gift.”

“I felt no judgment. I felt others were struggling the same as I, so appreciate not feeling alone.”

“It was an amazing gift to be seen and heard while creating space for others to do the same.”

“This was a beautiful circle. So full of compassion and courage and deep support. Space for all. Nourishment for the long haul.”

“The weekly reflections feel like mini-inoculations against the world’s hard shit, and this space together is what really heals.”


This is not for you if…

-you find silence unbearable

-you are not willing to be vulnerable

-you tend to shut down other people’s feelings

 This is for you if…

-you love to go deep

-you are introspective

-you understand the power of community,
and of good boundaries

-you want to step into a fuller expression of yourself

-you know that words have power


Let’s make 2024 different.

Join me in the circle!

 What to Expect

On January 27th,

February 24th,

and March 23rd

(all winter Saturday afternoons)

we’ll meet in the circle from 3-5 PM eastern on Zoom

And at the beginning of every week:

You will receive an e-mail with ideas and practices to consider, reflection prompts to journal or think about, and quotes or a poem to spark new thinking.

We will explore:

  • Writing as a way of reflecting, and making space for and listening closely to our own inner voices

  • Slowing down and giving ourselves space to feel, think, reflect and be intentional

  • Going deeper to reveal greater insight and more aligned action

  • Managing energy instead of time

  • Rituals, habits, and hacks that can take the pressure off getting things done

  • Understanding “balance” as a place we only briefly visit, instead of a goal that we’re constantly falling short of

  • Remembering we are neither alone nor crazy in our experiences


This is your invitation to the space you’ve been longing for.

Your investment: $229

The circle is limited to 12 so that there is a good balance of spaciousness and intimacy, and everyone’s voice can be meaningfully heard.


Q: Can I sample a circle?

A: Yes! I hold monthly drop-in writing circles* with different themes, and you are welcome to attend and see what the circle experience is like:

Saturday, January 13th from 3-4 PM eastern on Zoom

*Register for Our Circle here. If you decide to move forward with Finding Our Rhythms, the $18 cost will be applied toward the full cost of the series.

Q: What if I’m not a real writer?

A: I bet you are. But even if you’re really, really not, it’s more than okay. In the circle, we use writing as a way to bring out what’s happening inside us, not in an attempt to write well.

Q: Will the circles be recorded?

A: No. To honor the confidentiality of the circle, the calls will not be recorded. I will send out the writing prompts and any other exercises for you to work with on your own, and we can set up time to work through it together 1:1 if you like.

Other questions? write to me here